Innovation Elegance

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Mass Shootings

Observation: Politicians and people in power haven’t solved a certain violence problem - mass shootings at schools in the USA.

Reaction: ”Hey, we are Change Management. Maybe we have skills.”

Suggestion: Apply collective skills of Change Management group to explore progress on a narrow slice of violence in the USA.

Scope Boundaries for Actors, Actions, Objects

Success Factors | Pre-mortem

  1. Document things in the right order

    • Exhaust Current State documentation as much as possible before turning attention to Future State documentation

    • Among people, process, and technology, likely postpone documentation on technology; early emphasis is likely best on process documentation

    • Some of us are top-down thinkers; some of us are bottom-up thinkers; both are great, just get it down on paper and we’ll see where it fits later

  2. Try to treat the other side as “opponents'“ not enemies; think Green Bay Packers and Chicago Bears and Army versus Navy football game; don’t give up on Win-Win solutions

  3. Keep the customer in mind; your customer might be different than another stakeholder’s customer

  4. The intersection of customer and seller is a critical interface to understand incentives, motivations, and to “follow the money”

  5. Think of your opponent as your customer and a prospective buyer

  6. Dominant buyer motivations include: need, acceptance, fear, health, impulse, pleasure, financial gain, aspiration

  7. Engage, include, and involve your opponent as early as possible; without them, you have no football game, no audience, and no customers

  8. Your past customers already agree with you and already bought what you’re selling; your next customer is not yet buying what you’re “selling”

  9. “Selling” your idea to your buyer might include educating them on how the status quo is unattractive and how their alternatives are unattractive

  10. Partition this “wicked problem” into smaller parts as much as possible, e.g. build a process hierarchy with parent processes, children process, predecessors, successors; Legos fitting together, scenes of a play that, together, comprise the whole audience/customer experience

  11. Meet your customer where they are; seek first to understand then to be understood

  12. Consider where a Stoplight Report applies, i.e., health of some body of work in terms of Red/Yellow/Green (metrics, lessons learned, status report)

  13. Process flows feel daunting, so consider a simple script as an interim step (see two-column template below)

  14. Disagree don’t demonize; task conflict is good, personality conflict is bad; if something feels inflammatory, ignore it if you can and “don’t give it oxygen”

  15. Consider the temporary merits of absurd ideas

  16. Bring a problem, win 1 point. Bring a solution, win 1000 points.

  17. A growth mindset always wins

Stakeholder Wilson-Lowi Matrix (Orientation)

Costs and benefits are concentrated for stakeholder groups with small population:  lobbyists, gun manufacturers, gun retailers, mental health patients.

Costs and benefits are diffuse for stakeholder groups with large population: students, teachers, gun owners.

Propensity for Change | Why Change and Why Now?

Voice of the Customer and Seller

Surface & Shadow Customers

Metrics That Matter

What’s worth measuring?

Symptoms are perhaps lagging metrics.

Root causes are perhaps leading metrics … levers.

Measuring annually

Measuring monthly

Moments That Matter (Red Flags, Aberrant Behavior)

  • Placeholder A

  • Placeholder B

  • Placeholder C

Precedents and Relevant History

In year M, country X passed legislation related to ABC.

In year N, country Y passed legislation related to DEF.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving

Tobacco industry?

DDT and pesticide industry

Auto industry (safety feature evolution of seat belts, airbags, anti-lock brakes)

Mental Health “industry” ?

Assault Weapons Ban was in effect 1994-2004.

Federal government response to September 11, 2001

Canada’s response in June 2022 to Uvalde.

Meetings of Opposites

Beyond Conflict

Hierarchical Inventory of Processes, Use Cases, “Scenes” of the Stakeholder Journey / Customer Experience

Candidates to document detail for Current State and Future State

Script Template (baby step toward a process flow)

Script example

Change Log (in response to Crisis and Operations)

What Could I Do Differently?

Populate this sentence … “My perception is that <Actor> <past tense Action>. Instead, I would have liked to have persuaded them to <Action>.


Time Talent Treasure

Escalation Paths

Parking Lot / BRIQ Log (Barriers, Risks, Issues, Questions)

Single log to respectively track bridges, mitigations, resolutions, and answers

Lessons Learned (typically in response to project activity)

Status Report (ACMP)

Status Report (NRA)


Status Report (Daniel Defense)

Spin Something Positive or Negative

Objections (or just comment below)

ORS Framework for Feedback

Neighborhood & More Likely