Innovation Blog

The Why of an Innovation Factory

The What of your Asset Portfolio

The How In the Empathetic Arts

Intellectual-Property Robert Snyder Intellectual-Property Robert Snyder

Five Verbs (IP)

The RACI matrix almost got it right but still harbors too much ambiguity. In your team’s formal planning, govern only what is worth documenting outside email, and nothing else. Govern with just Five Verbs: Draft, Review, Revise, Approve, Distribute.

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Provocative Robert Snyder Provocative Robert Snyder

Innovate How You Innovate

Legacy methodologies emphasize software. That’s not what makes innovation difficult. Elegance is a methodology that shapes how people interact, collaborate, and govern. Elegance is a combination of discipline and empathy - ruthlessness and grace.

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What to Document In An Innovation Factory

What is worth documenting inside your organization? For starters, ALL these. Execution’s best two friends are simplicity and transparency. These documents ruthlessly keep you simple and transparent. These are valuable for months, YEARS, elevating documentation to a title of ASSETS. Building and maintaining these in your innovation work ensures a healthy, Ruthless Asset Factory.

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